No. 28/2004




In view of:


To stipulate :



Article 1

Referred to in this regulation as:


Part One

Article 2

(1) Everybody in responsible in the execution of activities in the food chains, covering the processes of production, storage, transport and distribution of food shall meet sanitary requirements in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force.

(2) The minister in charge of health affairs shall further stipulate sanitary requirements as meant in paragraph (1), covering among others:

Article 3

The fulfillment of the sanitary requirements in all activities of food chains shal be realized by means of applying guidelines on proper methods, covering:

Article 4

(1) Guidelines on the Proper Cultivation Method as meant in Article 3 letter a shall be a cultivation method paying attention to food security aspects by means of, among others:

(2) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery or forestry affairs shall stipulate the guidelines on the proper cultivation method as meant in paragraph (1) in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority.

Article 5

(1) Guidelines on the Proper Fresh-Food Production Method as meant in Article 3 letter b shall be a handling method observing food security aspects by means of, among others:

(2) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery or forestry affairs shall stipulate the guidelines on the proper fresh-food production method as meant in paragraph (1) in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority.

Article 6

(1) Guidelines on the Proper Processed-Food Production Method as meant in Article 3 letter c shall be a production method paying attention to food security aspects by means of, among others:

(2) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery or forestry affairs shall stipulate the guidelines on the proper processed-food production method as meant in paragraph (1) in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority.

(3) The Guidelines on the Proper Processed-Food Production Method as contemplated in paragraph (1) for certain processed foods shall be determined by the Head of Agency

Article 7

(1) Guidelines on the Proper Food Distribution Method as meant in Article 3 letter d shall be a distribution method paying attention to food security aspects by means of, among others:

(2) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery or forestry affairs shall stipulate the guidelines on the proper food distribution method as meant in paragraph (1) in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority.

Article 8

(1) Guidelines on the Proper Food Retail Method as meant in Article 3 letter e shall be a retail method paying attention to food security aspects by means of, among others:

(2) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery or forestry affairs shall stipulate the guidelines on the proper food retail method as meant in paragraph (1) in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority.

Article 9

(1) Guidelines on the Proper Fast-Food Production Method as meant in Article 3 letter f shall be a production method paying attention to food security aspects by means of, among others:

(2) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery or forestry affairs shall stipulate the guidelines on the proper fast food production method as meant in paragraph (1) in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority.

Article 10

Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, forestry, industry, health affairs or the Head of the Agency in accordance with their respective tasks and scope of authority can stipulate the guidelines on the proper methods as mentioned in Article 3 to be applied compulsorily.

Part Two
Food Additive

Article 11

(1) Everybody producing food for the purpose of distribution shall be prohibited from using whatever material as food additive declared forbidden.

(2) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate the forbidden material as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 12

(1) Everybody producing food by using food additive for the purpose of distribution shall use the permitted food additives.

(2) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate names and categories of the permitted food additives, goals of the use and maximal limit of their contents by kinds of the food as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 13

(1) Materials to be used as food additives but having impact on human health not yet ascertained shall have their security examined first and can be used in production activities or processes of food for the purpose of distribution after securing approval from the Head of the Agency.

(2) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate requirements and procedures for obtaining the approval as meant in paragraph (1).

Part Three
Genetically Engineered Food Product

Article 14

(1) Everybody producing food or using raw materials, food additives and/or other auxiliary materials in the production activities or processes of food resulting from genetic engineering shall examine first security of the food before the distribution.

(2) The examination of security of the genetically engineered food as meant in paragraph (1) shall include:

(3) A commission for security of genetically engineered food products shall examine security of the genetically engineered food products as meant in paragraph (1).

(4) The commission for security of genetically engineered food products shall stipulate requirements and procedures for examination of security of the genetically engineered food products as meant in paragraph (3).

(5) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate raw materials, food additives and/or other auxiliary materials resulting from genetic engineering, which are declared safe as food by observing recommendation from the commission for security of genetically engineered food products.

Part Four
Food Irradiation

Article 15

(1) Irradiation facilities used in production activities or processes of food for the purpose of distribution shall secure license to use nuclear energy and be registered to the head of the agency in charge of nuclear energy supervisory affairs.

(2) Every kind of food produced by using irradiation technique and/or method for the purpose of irradiation shall meet the requirements on irradiated food stipulated by the Head of the Agency.

Part Five
Food Package

Article 16

(1) Everybody producing food for the purpose of distribution shall be prohibited from using whatever material declared forbidden and/or potential to release contamination affecting or endangering human health as package of food.

(2) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate the forbidden materials as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 17

(1) Everybody producing food for the purpose of distribution shall use the permitted package materials.

(2) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate the permitted materials as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 18

(1) Materials other than those mentioned in Article 16 paragraph (2) and Article 17 paragraph (2) only can be used as food package materials after their security is examined and secures approval from the Head of the Agency.

(2) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate requirements and procedures for securing the approval as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 19

(1) Everybody producing food the purpose of distribution shall pack food properly to avoid food from contamination.

(2) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate the proper packaging method as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 20

(1) Everybody shall be prohibited from opening the final package of food for re-packing and trading.

(2) The provision as meant in paragraph (1) shall not apply to food procured in a large quantity and commonly re-packed in a small quantity for trading further.

(3) Everybody re-packing the food as meant in paragraph (1) shall pack food properly to avoid food from contamination.

Part Six
Food Quality Guarantee and Laboratory Analysis

Article 21

(1) Everybody producing food for trading shall be responsible for applying a quality guarantee system in accordance with kinds of the produced food.

(2) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, forestry, industry, health affairs or the Head of the Agency in accordance with their respective tasks and scope of authority shall be authorized to require the application of other standards and requirements related to the quality guarantee system as meant in paragraph (1).

(3) The other standards or requirements as meant in paragraph (1) can be stipulated in phases by observing the readiness and need of the food system.

(4) In stipulating the other standards and requirements as meant in paragraph (3), Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, forestry, industry health affairs or the Head of the Agency shall pay attention to WTOTBT/SPS agreements or agreements already ratified by the government.

Article 22

(1) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, forestry, industry, health affairs or the Head of the Agency in accordance with their respective tasks and scope of authority shall be authorized to stipulate kinds of fresh food, which must be analyzed laboratorily before the distribution.

(2) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate kinds of processed food, which must be analyzed laboratorily before the distribution.

(3) The laboratory analysis as meant in paragraph (2) shall be done in government laboratories or other laboratories already accredited by the National Accreditation Committee or other accreditation institutions already recognized by the National Accreditation Committee.

(4) The laboratory requirements as meant in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be stipulated and applied in phases by observing the readiness and need of the food system.

Part Seven
Contaminated Food

Article 23

Everybody shall be prohibited from distributing:

Article 24

(1) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery affairs or the Head of the Agency shall:

(2) In the case of fresh food, the Minister in charge of agricultural or fishery affairs shall stipulate the provision as meant in paragraph (1).

(3) In the case of processed food, the Head of the Agency shall stipulate the provision as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 25

(1) Everybody ascertaining someone having poisoned because of contaminated food shall report the case to the nearest medical service unit.

(2) The medical service unit as meant in paragraph (1) shall promptly take action of aid against the victim.

(3) If according to the medical service unit as meant in paragraph (2), there is an indication of Extraordinary Condition (KLB) of food toxicity, the medical service unit shall promptly take samples of food allegedly causing the toxicity and give report to regental/municipal service in charge of health affairs and the Agency.

(4) Based on result of the report as meant in paragraph (3), the Agency shall examine/investigate and apply laboratory test to the samples of food for determining the cause of food toxicity.

(5) The regental/municipal service in charge of health affairs receiving the report as meant in paragraph (3) shall study the report and stipulate the food toxicity case as KLB of food toxicity.

(6) The regental/municipal service as meant in paragraph (5) shall examine and overcome KLB of food toxicity as well as report it to the provincial service in charge of health affairs.

Article 26

(1) If KLB of food toxicity occurs in inter-regental/municipal territory or there is request from regental/municipal governments, the provincial government shall examine and overcome the said KLB.

(2) If KLB of food toxicity occurs in inter-provincial territory or there is request from provincial governments, the central government shall examine and overcome the said KLB.

Article 27

If results of investigation show that KLB is allegedly arising from crime, civil servant investigators and/ or other investigators shall promptly investigate on the basis of the legislation in force.

Article 28

(1) The Minister in charge of health affairs shall stipulate further provisions on the provision of aid for victims, the taking of specimen samples and test specimens as well as the reporting of KLB of food toxicity.

(2) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate procedures for taking samples of food, laboratory analysis and reporting of toxicity causes.


Part One
Food Quality

Article 29

The Head of the agency in charge of national standardization shall stipulate the quality of food stipulated as the Indonesian National Standard in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article 30

(1) The Indonesian National Standard as meant in Article 29 can be enforced compulsorily by observing public safety, security, health or environmental conservation and/or economic considerations must meet certain quality standards.

(2) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, industry, health affairs or the Head of the Agency in accordance with their respective tasks and scope of authority shall enforce compulsorily the Indonesian National Standards as meant in paragraph (1) in coordination with the Head of the agency in charge of national standardization affairs.

(3) Matters related to the application and evaluation of conformance to the compulsorily enforced National Indonesian Standards as meant in paragraph (2) shall be executed in accordance with the provisions of the law in force.

(4) Everybody producing or distributing food of the kinds as meant in paragraph (1) shall meet the Indonesian National Standards in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article 31

Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, forestry affairs or the Head of the Agency in accordance with their respective tasks and scope of authority can stipulate provisions on food quality outside the Indonesian National Standards as meant in Article 29 for food having high risk of security.

Part Two
Food Quality Certification

Article 32

(1) Certification and labeling certifying the conformance of food to the Indonesian National Standards as meant in Article 29 shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the law in force.

(2) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, affairs or the Head of the Agency in accordance with their respective tasks and scope of authority shall stipulate requirements and procedures for certification of the quality of food having high risk of security as meant in Article 31.

(3) The certification as meant in paragraph (1) of the compulsorily enforced Indonesian National Standards or requirements for the quality provisions as meant in Article 31 shall constitute part of supervision over food before the distribution.

Part Three
Food Nutrition

Article 33

(1) The Minister in charge of Health Affairs shall stipulate standards of public nutrition status and monitor and evaluate the status of public nutrition.

(2) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, industry, health affairs or the Head of the Agency in accordance with their respective tasks and scope of authority shall take measures to ensure the sufficiency of nutrition, protect the public from malnutrition and foster the public in a bid to enhance the nutrition status.

(3) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, industry, health affairs or the Head of the Agency in accordance with their respective tasks and scope of authority in cooperation with provincial governments, regental/municipal governments and the public shall take efforts to overcome disturbance of public nutrition not suitable to the standards of public nutrition status as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 34

The Minister in charge of health affairs shall stipulate food sufficiency rate evaluated periodically.

Article 35

(1) In the case of public malnutrition and/or decrease in public nutrition status occurring, efforts to improve nutrition shall be taken through enrichment and/or fortification of nutrition of certain distributed food.

(2) The Minister in charge of health affairs shall stipulate kinds and quantity of nutrient substances to be supplemented as well as kinds of food whose nutrition value can be enhanced through enrichment and/or fortification,

(3) The Minister in charge of industrial affairs shall stipulate the kinds of food, which must be enriched and/ or fortified as meant in paragraph (2) and procedures for enrichment and/or fortification of nutrition of the certain food as meant in paragraph (1).

(4) Everybody producing food, which must be enriched and/or fortified for the purpose of distribution shall meet the provisions and procedures for enrichment and/or fortification of nutrition as meant in paragraph (3).

(5) The food as meant in paragraph (4) shall secure letter of approval of registration from the Head of the Agency.


Part One
Import of Food Into the Indonesian Territory

Article 36

Every kind of food imported into the Indonesian Territory for the purpose of distribution shall meet the provisions of laws in force on security, quality and nutrition of food and provisions of other legislation in force.

Article 37

(1) In the case of fresh food being imported into the Indonesian territory for the purpose of distribution, ministers in charge of agricultural or fishery affairs in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority can stipulate requirements that:

(2) In the case of processed food being imported into the Indonesian territory for the purpose of distribution, the Head of the Agency can stipulate requirements that:

(3) In stipulating the requirements as meant in paragraphs (1) and (2), the Ministers or Head of the Agency shall pay attention to WTO TBT/SPS agreements or other agreements already ratified by the government.

Article 38

(1) In the case of food imported into the Indonesian Territory being subjected to the prior analysis and/or examination as meant in Article 37 paragraph (1) letter a, the food only can be released from customs area after securing approval of the import of food issued by ministers in charge of agricultural or fishery affairs in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority.

(2) In the case of food imported into the Indonesian Territory being subjected to the prior analysis and/or examination as meant in Article 37 paragraph (1) letter b, the food only can be released from customs area after securing approval of the import of food issued by the Head of the Agency.

Article 39

Everybody importing food into the Indonesian territory for the purpose of distribution shall be responsible for security, quality and nutrition of food.

Article 40

Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, trade affairs or the Head of the Agency in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority shall stipulate further provisions on the import of food into the Indonesian territory for the purpose of distribution.

Part Two
Export of Food from the Indonesian Territory

Article 41

(1) Every kind of food exported from the Indonesian territory shall meet the food security requirements.

(2) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery affairs or the Head of the Agency in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority can stipulate requirements so that the security, quality and/or nutrition of the food exported from the Indonesian territory for the purpose of distribution must be analyzed and/or examined first.

(3) Everybody exporting food from the Indonesian territory shall be responsible for security, quality and nutrition of food.

(4) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, trade affairs or the Head of the Agency shall coordinate the head of the agency in charge of national standardization affairs accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority to take efforts to obtain mutual recognition in the evaluation of conformance in fulfilling the requirements of destination countries.


Part One

Article 42

(1) In the framework of supervision over security, quality and nutrition of food, every kind of processed food produced in the country or imported into the Indonesian territory for trading in retail package shall secure letter of approval of registration before the distribution.

(2) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate the processed food required for securing the letter of approval of registration as meant in paragraph (1).

(3) The Head of the Agency shall issue the letter of approval of registration as meant in paragraph (1) on the basis of results of evaluation of security, quality and nutrition of food.

(4) The Head of the Agency shall evaluate the security, quality and nutrition of food as meant in paragraph (3) in accordance with criteria and procedures.

(5) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate the criteria and procedures as meant in paragraph (1) by referring to the requirements for security, quality and nutrition of food.

(6) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate requirements and procedures for securing the letter of approval of registration as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 43

(1) Processed food produced by home industry shall be excepted from the provision as meant in Article 42 paragraph (1).

(2) The processed food as meant in paragraph (1) shall have certificate of home industry food production.

(3) Regents/mayors shall issue the certificate of home industry food production as meant in paragraph (2).

(4) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate guidelines on the issuance of the certificate of the home industry food production as meant in paragraph (1), covering, among others:

Article 44

The processed food exempted from the obligation to have the registration approval as meant in Article 42 or the home industry food production as meant in Article 43 shall be the processed food:

Article 45

(1) The Agency shall be authorized to supervise security, quality and nutrition of the distributed food.

(2) In executing the supervisory function as meant in paragraph (1), the Agency shall be authorized to:

(3) Results of the analysis as meant in paragraph (2) point b:

Article 46

(1) Governor or Regent/Mayor is authorized to conduct examination in the event of any alleged violation of law in the field of fresh foods.

(2) The Head of Agency is authorized to conduct examination in the event of any alleged violation of law in the field of processed foods.

(3) Regent/Mayor is authorized to conduct examination in the event of any alleged violation of law in the field of fast foods and processed food produced by home industries.

(4) In conduction the examination as contemplated in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) above, the Governor, Regent/Mayor or the Head of Agency is authorized to :

(5) In order to implement the examination as contemplated in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) above, the Governors, Regent/Mayor or the Head of Agency in accordance with their respective scope of duty appoints officers to conduct examination.

(6) The officer appointed to conduct examination as contemplated in paragraph (5), is equipped with instruction letter.

Article 47

(1) In the case of violation being found on the basis of the results of the analysis as meant in Article 45 paragraph (3) and/or results of the examination as meant in Article 46, governors, regents/mayor or the Head of the Agency shall be authorized to take administrative actions.

(2) The administrative actions as meant in paragraph (1) shall include:

(3) The imposition of the administrative actions as meant in paragraph (2) shall realized on the basis of risks arising from the committed violation.

(4) Officials issuing the said production license, business license, registration approval and certificate of home industry food production shall take the administration actions in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority.

Article 48

(1) The withdrawal and/or destruction of food as meant in Article 47 shall be executed by everybody producing or importing the food into the Indonesian territory and in accordance with guidelines on the withdrawal and destruction of food.

(2) Every party involved in the distribution of food shall help implement the withdrawal and/or destruction of the food as meant in paragraph (1).

(3) In the case of fresh food, the withdrawal and/or destruction of the food as meant in paragraph (1) shall be done on the basis of order of governors, regents/ mayors in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority.

(4) In the case of processed food, the withdrawal and/or destruction of the food as meant in paragraph (1) shall be done on the basis of order of the Head of the Agency.

(5) The Head of the Agency shall stipulate the guidelines on the withdrawal and/or destruction of the food as meant in paragraph (1).

Article 49

If indication of crime is found on the basis of results of the examination as meant in Article 46, investigators shall promptly investigate on the basis of the legislation in force.

Article 50

The Agency can announce publicly results of analysis and/or examination of food products through mass media.

Part Two

Article 51

(1) Ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery or forestry affairs in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority shall foster fresh-food producers.

(2) Ministers in charge of industrial, agricultural and fishery affairs in accordance with their respective tasks and scopes of authority shall foster processed-food producers.

(3) The Head of the Agency shall foster certain processed food.

(4) Regents/mayors shall foster fast-food producers and food home industries.

(5) The Head of the Agency shall foster regional governments and public in the food supervision field.


Article 52

(1) In the framework of improving and enhancing security, quality and nutrition of food, the public can convey problems, inputs and/or solutions to food affairs.

(2) The problems, inputs and/or solutions as meant in paragraph (1) can be conveyed directly or indirectly to ministers in charge of agricultural, fishery, health, industrial affairs, the Head of the Agency, governors or regents/mayors in accordance with their respective tasks and scope of authority.

(3) Procedures for conveying the problems, inputs and/ or solutions as meant in paragraph (1) shall be in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force.


Article 53

With the enforcement of this government regulation, all provisions on security, quality and nutrition of food regulated by legislation subordinate to law shall remain effective as long as they do not contravene the provisions in this government regulation.


Article 54

The government regulation shall come into force as from the date of promulgation.

For public cognizance, the government regulation shall be promulgated by placing it in Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On October 5, 2004


Promulgated in Jakarta
On October 5, 2004


Government Regulation No. 28/2004
Security, quality and nutrition of food